Our activities are situated in the field of made-to-order training, coaching and consultancy.

Hereafter you can explore what we can offer you. Because this overview is not exhaustive and we approach every question as made-to-order, we recommend that you contact us directly with your request.


In our coaching we offer a result-oriented approach of personal guidance which acts as a catalyst in the development of the individual and of which the organization and the professional environment of the coachee receives the benefits.

The underlying approach of our coaching vision is situated in the mindset of ‘Appreciative Inquiry’(by David L. Cooperrider). The basic principle of ‘AppreciativeInquiry’ assumes that focusing on our own strengths and defining clearly the ‘to be’ situation, triggers a positive energy which enables the coachee to achieve his/her personal goals. Adults develop based on successes

If a certain type of behavior in the past yielded a certain result, the odds are that this type of behavior will manifest itself again in the future.These ‘success behaviors’ build up a ‘toolkit for survival’ on which we can rely in difficult circumstances. 

The focus is shifting 

  • from problem to perspective, 
  • from denial and complaint to taking responsibility, 
This will lead to the creativity, the commitment and the actions needed to realize the change successfully.

  • Skan - Training  Intake interview

    Discussing the ‘as is’ situation of the coachee and explanation of the approach.

  • Skan - Training  Coaching contract

    Agreement between coach and coachee on objectives and approach.

  • Skan - Training  Action plan

    ​Deciding how the goals can be achieved.

  • Skan - Training  Coaching sessions

    Working actively towards the objectives.

  • Skan - Training  Follow up

    Evaluation of the achieved result and anchoring in the performance.